First Baptist Church
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LOCATION: 207 State Street
DATE: Cornerstone laid on June 26th, 1891
ARCHITECT: Charles H. Smith
NARRATIVE: The cornerstone of the present Baptist church was laid in 1891 and was dedicated on September 13, 1892. The Reverand Thomas Dixon claimed that because it was the choicest spot in the city it was right that it be held for the Lord God.
The church experienced tremendous growth for several decades along with all of Watertown. There was significant remodeling in 1955 with improvment to the sanctuary. The plan called for new lighting, carpeting, a communion table with chairs, removal of wings of the balcony and choir lofts built on either side of the center platform and improving the steps.
While the Public Square has had it ups and down through the years the “Lighthouse on the Square” has been an anchor of stability. According to the church history “The present mission of he church is to serve the neighborhood. Its clock and tower are more than landmarks – they are a reminder that God is at work in Watertown”.